Feb 1, 2010

Fish, Fish, and more Fish.

This email I had just composed in response to a friends email pretty much sums up what I’ve been doing lately, as well as with my growing hatred and dismay with Canadian politics. So I’m taking the easy way out with this entry by simply cutting and pasting. Here it goes:

Thanks, Kyle!

I sure hope this column will change my perception on this subject and guide me along the abyss of random numbers and formulas to clarity and understanding.

In the mean time, it’s “fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish” for me.

To change the subject completely, have you ever played “Settlers of Catan”? I’ve been playing this board game with friends a few times now and I absolutely love it! I want the original version in German which I could get on Amazon.de. There are expansion packs too! I think I’m turning into a board game geek...

The Olympics start in 11 days but we haven’t seen any snow fall this year so far. It’s been wet with temperature sitting at 8 ºC. It’s so bad that we’re now dumping barrels of hay from helicopters from high above to lay the foundation of the slopes of Cypress Mountain and will need to dump man-made snow in time for the games.

Unfortunately, our embarrassing leader of our nation is still in denial of any global-warming effects and is still pursuing the excavation of tar sands in Alberta for short-term economic gain. Once prominent in forging ahead in environmentalism, our Prime Minister finally decided that it was worth flying over to Copenhagen in his private jet at tax-payers expense polluting tonnes of carbon emissions for his royal round-trip flight, NOT to attend the Climate Change Conference, but to attend the Queen of Denmark’s State Dinner, while sending our Minister of Environment to read a short three-minute speech at the tail end of the CCC. That’s our only contribution. 

Furthermore, our PM has now prorogued parliament, suspending government activities and terminating bills which were being passed in the house of commons, all because opposition leaders and other members of parliament were getting “too hostile” asking “serious questions about Harpers leadership” and he wanted time-out until further notice.

I hope he meets the fate of a non-confidence vote as I can no longer wear my maple leaf with pride. He is our equivalent of your George Bush. Also re-elected for a second term.

On a brighter note, I just watched The Never Ending Story, Part 1 for nostalgia. Shot in 1984, I got a kick out of the last scene where Falcor, the white dragon, flies over the streets of Gastown, Vancouver.

What have you been up to lately?


On 1 February 2010 11:53, Kyle wrote:

I thought you might like this article and help to explain the most mysterious of mysteries


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