With the closing of a single southbound lane on the Burrard Street Bridge in favour of a bike only lane trial that’s soon to open, the city of Vancouver is moving in the right direction and reaching its goal of aspiring to become THE greenest city. Next up: Cyclovia!
DIY cyclists bring their imagination and creativity to the road. One guy I noticed mounted an actual love seat, a night stand, and a table lamp on a tricycle platform and was peddling over the bridge. There was also a couple on a tandem bike, but instead of facing front, the person in the back was facing the other direction while also pedalling. How does that work?!
Echo, Eriko, Jay, and I settled for a picnic on the beach at English Bay after a lovely bike ride. When the sun went down, we returned to Jay’s abode and popped in Bottle Shock in the DVD player.
This city is where my heart is.

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