As an avid listener of CBC Radio One (see my favourite programs on the links to the right!), my daily commute to work in the mornings is filled with intriguing conversations, ideas, hypothesis, and genuine stories told by genuine people with a story worth telling. One of many programs I listen to on Radio One is called Q with Jian Ghomeshi to which I get most of my arts, culture, and entertainment in a digestible two-hour format, commercial free (hey, it’s our NPR!). I listen to his show religiously and always sing along to the opening tune of Q while beating my steering wheel like a drum.
When I heard that Jian was making his way to Vancouver for a special Juno broadcast recording of Q, I was ecstatic and wrote an email to confirm seating to be part of the live studio audience and see him do his thing before my eyes.
So today was it and I was queueing in line with other avid Q listeners while waiting for my friend Jennifer to arrive. The line grew longer and longer as the minutes passed. Jenn showed up right when I was about to walk into the studio, or in other words, in the nick of time. She would have been SOL seconds later!
Like the heart-felt enthusiasm, joy, and happiness from the audience as seen on each opening sequence of The Hour with Strombo, we Vancouverites gave Jian and those who will be listening to the broadcast the following morning, a resounding cheer which grew even louder when he rattled on with who’s on the show: Hawksley Workman, Divine Brown, Bif Naked, Hot Hot Heat, and voices from Vancouver’s cultural milieu.
It was absolutely awesome to be part of a live studio audience for the first time and see how a recording is made with guest interviews and musical performances. I have got to do this more often!
Click here to listen to the Podcast.
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