If there's one thing I admire the Americans for, that would be their unrelenting pride of their own country. They always put on a good show for themselves and the rest of the world to show it! The spectacular display of fireworks against the midnight sky which Jen and I witnessed tonight at the Blaine Marina Park only emphasized my point.
Like last year, it was just the two of us, laying on our backs side by side while sharing an earphone connected to my iPod. I was playing Irish (U2), German (Höhner/Die Prinzen), and Swedish (ABBA) music with the fireworks until Jen pointed out towards the end of the 'Grande Finale' that we hadn't listened to any American music! The first thing the popped into my head was to play something by 'The All-American Rejects'.
It was a good thing I brought a jacket with me as it got a little chilly by the time the fireworks were underway at 2230. Everyone around us had brought sleeping bags, pillows, picnic blankets, folding chairs, and food & drinks; Jen and I just brought ourselves and had to huddle to share our body warmth like a couple in love.
Which reminds me, upon entering the states, the American border officer had asked us if we were dating as he carefully looked at our identifications. Jen and I looked at each other, gave each other a whimsical look, and turned our attention back to the officer and told him that we were, hehe! He was a friendly officer.
Thats awesome! As an american I guess I have become apathetic towards the fireworks and the whole commercialization of the day... Im glad that you enjoyed it.